Cerámica Verde

The art of Shipibo

We come from a dream that sails the Ucayali River; Its banks form an impossible map of torrents, lianas, roots, springs… Paths traced in the air that run through the infinity of waters, lands, vegetables… A universe of universes, full of different forms of life, each with its own language and doing.

Our ancestors traveled those roads to get so far that you only see them a few nights from time to time. From there they continue to talk and listen to us; We talk about our lives and visions, about our needs and paths.


The art of Shipibo

Venimos de un sueño que navega por el río Ucayali; sus orillas forman un mapa imposible de torrentes, lianas, raíces, manantiales… senderos trazados en el aire que recorren el infinito de las aguas, las tierras, los vegetales… Un universo de universos, lleno de diferentes formas de vida, cada una con su lenguaje y su hacer.

Nuestros ancestros recorrieron esos caminos hasta llegar tan lejos, que sólo se les ve algunas noches de tiempo en tiempo. Desde allí nos siguen hablando y escuchando; conversamos sobre nuestras vidas y visiones, sobre nuestras necesidades y caminos.


Waters and lands change along these paths; they intersect in complex cycles and directions. In the imperceptible maelstrom we learned to read the rains and the stars, the nights and the winds on the anaconda’s skin.

There are times of silence and exclusion, as well as periods of joy when bridges between worlds open. We can touch the moon with our hands and stand on the sun; To go back and forth on a comet, traveling at the changing speed of light. Sometimes in solitude you perceive relationships that are impossible to define…

We keep our dreams by drawing the universe and its labyrinths.